Black Balsam (2022)
poster Black Balsam
IMDb Rating:
5.0/10 (63 votes)

Country:United States,

Spoken languages:English


Director(s):Heath Franklin

Writer(s):Bob McCormick, Heath Franklin, David Schifter

Video Codec:RealMedia

Number: 3464

When a couple buys a scenic mountain retreat from a deceased woman's estate, her abusive son becomes vengeful about being uprooted from the only home he's ever known. Now, facing eviction, the son holds a grudge against the new owners and their children.


photo Josie Davis
Josie Davis Ellen Roth
photo Emily Topper
Emily Topper Caitlin Roth
photo Mark Ashworth
Mark Ashworth Wes Goins
photo Thom Gossom Jr.
Thom Gossom Jr. Sheriff Bensen
photo Brian Kurlander
Brian Kurlander Bill Roth
photo David Schifter
David Schifter Sergeant Ashton
photo Neala Cohen
Neala Cohen Kimberly Meadows
photo Ryan Baughman
Ryan Baughman Sutton Roth
photo Lisa Lackey
Lisa Lackey Missing Girl

Medium: Media file,

Subtitles: English

Location: Plex Server

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Anamorphic Widescreen