EMDB > All Movies > C > Chinatown
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Chinatown (1974)  link to Chinatown on IMDb  

Number: 839

cover Chinatown

IMDb Rating:
8.2/10 (239.2K votes)

Country: United States, 130 minutes

Spoken languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese

Genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Director(s): Roman Polanski

JJ 'Jake' Gittes is a private detective who seems to specialize in matrimonial cases. He is hired by Evelyn Mulwray when she suspects her husband Hollis, builder of the city's water supply system, of having an affair. Gittes does what he does best and photographs him with a young girl but in the ensuing scandal, it seems he was hired by an impersonator and not the real Mrs. Mulwray. When Mr. Mulwray is found dead, Jake is plunged into a complex web of deceit involving murder, incest, and municipal corruption all related to the city's water supply.


Jack Nicholson J.J. Gittes
Faye Dunaway Evelyn Mulwray
John Huston Noah Cross
Perry Lopez Escobar
John Hillerman Yelburton

Medium: DVD R/RW, Dolby Digital 5.1 - English

Location: Drawer 5 Slot 4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 2.35:1