HMDB > All Movies > C > The Comeback Trail
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The Comeback Trail (2020)  link to The Comeback Trail on TheMovieDb  link to trailer on YouTube

Number: 3205

cover The Comeback Trail

TMDb Rating:
6.0/10 (91 votes)

Country: United States, 1h 45min

Spoken languages: English

Genres: Comedy, Crime

Director(s): George Gallo

Two movie producers who owe money to the mob, have to set up their aging movie star to kill themselves accidentally so they don't have to owe them back but they wind up getting more than they ever imagined.


Robert De Niro Max Barber
Morgan Freeman Reggie Fontaine
Tommy Lee Jones Duke Montana
Zach Braff Walter Creason
Emile Hirsch James Moore
Kate Katzman Megan Albert
Patrick Muldoon Frank Pierce
Malcolm Barrett Xavier Clay
Eddie Griffin Devon
Vincent Spano Joey Silva
Blerim Destani Boris
Frances Lee McCain Marge (Old Actress)
Julie Lott Sophie Renee
Melissa Greenspan Tina Blair
Jermaine Washington Kenny

Medium: Media file,

Location: Red 4TB Drive

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Anamorphic Widescreen